Customized Resources and Activities
Can’t find what you’re looking for? We can customize!
Awe your group with a custom nature activity or resource
At blue marble we will work with you to create any nature based resource you need for any age, any nature topic, and any time of year! Not sure where we can help, what about:
community gatherings
family events
employee wellness
team building
guided walks
Have blue marble facilitate custom activities, build you an activity to facilitate yourself, or design fun nature packages and handouts.
Contact bluemarblelearningscene@gmail.com
What do we charge? Prices will vary based on what you are looking for - starting at $50.
blue marble can facilitate in-person activities within 1.5 hours of Kingston, Ontario
Nature station for geologic exploration at a Kingston Nature and Forest School open house
Example of a handout created for Topsy Farms. Explore more custom materials created for Topsy here.
Informational tour talking about sustainable tourism with conference participants from TIAO
Booth with nature activities
Why a custom activity by blue marble?
Co-founders, Tara and Cindy, are experts in communicating nature knowledge in a fun way.
A customized activity or resource by blue marble will:
teach you something new
be easy to understand
be unique and engaging
inspire continued conversation
exactly what you need!
Please note that blue marble learning scene reserves the copyrights to all materials created for custom activities. Thus, blue marble learning scene reserves the right to facilitate the created activity for others, offer the activity in their store, and otherwise use the activity ideas as they see fit.